Talking Charts

Learn about yourself and others
whenever inspiration strikes you.

Ideal gifts for family, friends and
colleagues. The priceless gift of

Learn about yourself and others
whenever inspiration strikes you.

Ideal gifts for family, friends and
colleagues. The priceless gift of


The Talking Chart - Foundation is designed to bring you all of the critical information needed to experiment with and live your design. This information includes Type, Profile, Definition, Channels and Centers. In addition, audio commentaries are included for every Gate, Line and Planet in the Foundation Chart that you have selected.


The Talking Chart - Variable covers the deepest components of your Foundation Design. These components include your Design Determination, Brain Cognition, Body Style, Ideal Physical Environment, correct Motivation, Personality Cognition, Environment View and Resonance. All of these areas require further experimentation. This Talking Chart also includes your ideal diet and, from your Mind's perspective, training to discern what is correct and what is not as an Outer Authority. Each Talking Chart - Variable also includes Variable Synthesis audios.


What stands between you and living your true life and purpose is your own Mind. We call this the Not Self Mind and it casts a dark shadow over your entire life. This shadow is always working against you and is always working for the forces of conditioning. This Talking Chart - Shadow is designed to cast a shining light upon your shadow mind and will teach you everything you need to know and do to defeat this blight on your life. Every Talking Chart - Shadow covers every aspect of YOUR SHADOW. It is not some generic simplistic lecture. It is specifically focused on your Not Self Mind and teaches ways to ultimately defeat this Shadow controlling your life.


According to the science of Human Design, we inhabit a different design at night, traversing various realms during sleep. The sleeping domain is one of the deepest levels of conditioning we can experience. In our waking design, we operate as a 9-Centered being; however, when we sleep, we transition to a 5-Centered being. Unlock the secrets of your unique Sleep design with the Sleep Talking Chart. Drift into tailored audio insights designed to enhance your understanding of your Sleeping Type and prevalent Dream Themes. Access in-depth explanations of the three dream realms and learn more about your active Gates and Lines, including Channels. Gain further audio insights through the interactive 5-Centered sleeping BodyGraph. Holistically, obtain a comprehensive understanding of how your Sleep design affects your nocturnal journeys and not-self.


The Sleeping Transit program engages with us through the same 15 Gate, 5-Centered matrix that the Foundation Sleep chart operates. This means that only a specific subset of the planets currently in transit will impact your sleeping program. A Sleep Transit Talking Chart provides a snapshot of the transit program. The Transit Chart will update every time you open it to the current date and time. The audio information found in this Talking Chart mirrors the structure of the Sleep Talking Chart. It includes your Sleeping Transit Type and prevalent Dream Themes, the three dream realms, and audios for all the transiting Gates, Lines, and Channels. Including audio insights for each of the centers in the BodyGraph. A Sleep Transit Talking Chart comes FREE with every Sleep Talking Chart purchase. It cannot be purchased as a stand-alone product.


When we co-sleep, two designs unite to form a Quantum, also known as a Connection. As a result, conditioning emerges, impacting both parties in ways they were not intended to be conditioned. Upon waking in the morning in this conditioned awake state, one is greatly influenced by the Connection’s Authority and mind. Learn more about how and where you become conditioned with the Sleep Connection Talking Chart. Explore the Connection Design that forms when you co-sleep with a child or partner. Audio insights explain the co-created Channels, including the centers in the sleeping BodyGraph, that become defined and undefined through the connection. The Sleep Connection Talking Chart is available for FREE. However, you must purchase a Sleep Talking Chart for both parties to access this.


The Sleep Connection Transit Talking Chart provides a snapshot of the transit program, updating to the current day and time every time you open it. If you are co-sleeping, having access to this Talking Chart makes it easy to check what is happening in the transit field before you sleep or when you wake up. The audio information in this Talking Chart follows the same structure as the Sleep Connection Talking Chart. Gain insights into the three dream realms, learn about the effects of the transiting Gates, Lines, and Channels on the shared Connection, and discover what realms one may dream in due to this. This Talking Chart is FREE and is automatically available when create a Free Sleep Connection Talking Chart.