Management Summary Reading


Management Summary Reading

This reading provides a full management summary describing your employee from the perspective of Human Design. This is very valuable to understand and will bring benefit to your own business activities that are reliant on human resources.


What is a Management Summary Reading?

This reading provides a practical and focussed management summary describing your employee from the perspective of Human Design. It is very valuable for a business owner or manager to understand these critical elements of their employees design. This service can also be used to bring you this understanding in the pre-screening / pre-hiring phase.


Why is this important?

Knowing your employees design can assist in understanding their suitability for the role intended and what their ideal positioning within your company could be to gain maximum employee satisfaction and thus improved productivity.


How will this reading help me?

Whatever business or service that you provide the GM Management Reading Service will enhance your understanding of your employee. This information is critical strategic knowledge to enable you to understand the keys for employee retention, motivation and optimum productivity.


What can I expect to receive in my reading?

You will receive a reading of approximately 80/90 minutes in length. This reading will bring you a clear understanding of your employee (or intended employee) from the perspective of Human Design down to the deepest levels of this knowledge. See FAQ for more detail.

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